5 Sunday Routine Tips to have a Productive Week

I absolutely love Sundays to prep for the week; it’s the perfect opportunity to set yourself up for success with a little bit of planning and effort. I want to preface this article by saying I really think Sundays are most productive based on what recharges you. You don’t have to set your week in stone for it to be productive. Focus on how you feel and what you need to recharge for the week. 

Papier Planner 2021


Breakfast on Sundays is a nonnegotiable for me. Having a balanced and filling breakfast is crucial to give you energy and help you stay alert throughout the whole day. During the week, you may find it hard to make breakfast a priority when you are rushing to work or to the gym, whatever it may be. That’s why I make sure I have a balanced breakfast on Sunday. If it only happens on Sunday, at least I know I started off the week on a good note! 

Wash your sheets

Okay I know washing your sheets and bedding every week seems like maybe annoying and just a hassle? But it is literally the best way to feel clean, refreshed and ready to take on the week. I mean… only people who have their life together wash their sheets every week. Therefore, wash your sheets, have your life together!! Sorry I don’t make the rules

Plan workouts

I’m a big planner- probably to a fault, BUT I genuinely don’t think I would ever workout if I didn’t plan it on Sunday. Planning your workouts on Sunday helps make sure you carve out time each day to get some movement in. There’s no worse feeling than the week rushing by and feeling so busy and overwhelmed that you can’t figure out how to even think a workout into existence. 

Grocery shop

Set yourself up for success by grocery shopping on Sunday so you don’t have to worry about scraping meals together during the week. Having healthy and fresh food easily accessible makes all the difference when working to feel your best during the week. When you don’t have new groceries to be excited about, it is so easy to make excuses to spend money and eat out. 

Set your goals

Look at your meetings, workouts, appointments, etc. that you scheduled for the week, and then see what goals align with those plans. On Sunday, I usually take some time to see what I need to accomplish that week outside of work and workouts. This can be scheduling doctor appointments, running errands, whatever it may be. Once I have that list I can try to schedule those tasks in on whichever day makes sense. If a task doesn’t fit in for the week, I just remember it for next week! I used to really beat myself up to accomplish everything in a single week, but that only made me miserable and too self-critical. It’s hard to stay motivated to do your best every single day, whatever you do it is worthy of celebration. 

You’re probably noticing a theme at this point, but I think the importance of Sunday is really to get ahead for the week. It’s impossible to plan every aspect of your week perfectly so it’s important to not expect perfection!!! It is so beneficial to create a routine on Sunday so you can be mindful and proactive about your week. 

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